My dance video is finally released! We filmed it over two days, and then daddycat spent another 2 days editing it - he actually made it 4 times, and each time had an idea how to make it better, and started again from scratch!
You can even watch it in HD if you click the video and it takes you to youtube!
I really hope that all you friends like my video, and please tell all your friends so I can become rich and famous, and have my stinky goodness brought to me on a velvet cushion...
Friday 2/21 Blog Links
1 day ago
That is so incredibly cute. Your parents did a great job filming your video.
Freya, you are a star!
Oh Freya, that was AWESOME! I never knew you had such dancing talent. Maybe next season you can be on Dancing with the Stars!
You totally rock!! We can't get enough of your dance action Freya!
Very great video. We think there's a career there for you (and your talented human).
10! Fabulous moves & kitteeography!
That is sooo cool. I have always wanted to get my Bengal on video but he is just so quick that I usually get a blur.
Freya you've got some crazy cat grooves! Great job on daddycat's part to capture all your sweet moves!
You Rock Freya!
wow that video is great! I am soo jealous of you and your cool videographer!
Great job!
Great video! I love when you clap your paws! This is definitely going to make you rich and famous!!!
Purrs, Siena
Hello Freya! Love your blog!
Wow! Your daddycat sure put a lot of effort into that video, and he made you look even better!
You iz just da bestest kitty-dancer we seez in fur-ever! Come on over ta our bloggy. We gibbed youz an award fur bein' such a cool kitty!
Our doggy sisfur is named Freyja. Come seez her. Shez lotz bigger den youz but shez a real sweetie pie ta us kittiez.
That is great!!!!!!!
That is soooo funny :-) It's brilliant. Our boys have a very talented mommy cat!
You are the best dancing cat ever!
wow! yer daddy's film making skills are surpassed only by your fabulous dancing skills!! together? DY-NO-MITE!!!
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