Well, daddycat has been looking everywhere for a solution, and has bought all sorts of cat hair brushes, and none of them actually get my really thick underfur out - they just brush it nice and flat, and maybe loosen it, so I can rub it all off on his bed!
So, we've seen these brushes that look like spikey razors, and everyone raves about them but they're £20, and you can't test them, and daddycat's too careful with my cat fud money to risk £20 on a fancy brush that doesn't work!
But today, he was walking around in the 99p store, and saw the SAME THING!!! and guess how much it was??....
Anyway, it works a dream!
It gets loads of fur out with every stroke, and the only problem is that I'm in such ecstasy when daddycat does it, that I can't help moving around and walking in circles!
this is what we pulled out in about 2 minutes of brushing!
And I don't look very bald at all!
I am glads that he founds somethings that worked for you. Momma uses the furminator on us, has you ever tried it. It expensive though but it keeps our hairballs at bay.
Glad you found one! We use the Bamboo brush, which is like the Furminator and like that, but less expensive than the Furminator. Isn't it wonderful to get all that dry, dead fluff off you?! :) We all come running when Mommy says "Brushie!"
Glad they found you a good brush.We use the shed-ender,and another similar brush.
It's awesome that you got such a great deal on that! I like being brushed, but my furs are very sparse so if I used that I might end up bald!
It's so good that your daddycat found something inexpensive that works so well on your undercoat and gets all those loose furs out. My Mom has a shedding comb that she's had for years that works great on my long furs.
That sounds like a great deal and looks very effective. Good for you!
We got a new Furminator today! We're going to post our yucky hair pictures on Saturday:)
Is that like a Furminator? They're really expensive in NZ, too.
It's exactly the same mechanism as a furminator! it looks a little different on the handle shape, but the metal end bit is identical!
and it was £1 instead of £20!
Wow! After seeing all that furs, we're surprised you got any left! Hahaha! We are in ectasy when we get furminated too! Why is that??
Oh yes, shedding - we gots it! This is my first moulting and I'm doing a pretty good job on it too. We got a Zoom Groom as a present and it works nicely. Thank you for your sweet birthday wishes, Freya!
Purrs, Siena
Wow that looks cool! We got a new brush too!
Concats on winning the yoga contest!
concatulations on winning the yoga contest!!
We are da kitties frum over at Our family cat-a-blog. You comed over ta vizit us today and we wanted to comed here ta say tanks and meow-y fer da great welcome to the bloggy world of kitties.
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